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Diocese of Keetmanshoop



In 1888 the Founder of the Oblates

of St. Francis de Sales,

Father Louis Brisson,

asked Propaganda Fide for permission

to extend the missionary activities

of his young Congregation north,

across the Orange River,

into Great Namaqualand.


When that permission was granted,

Father, late Bishop, Jean-Marie Simon OSFS began to make exploratory visits

into the then German Colony.

His efforts bore fruit in 1896

when a mission station was established

on the farm Heirachabis.

 O U R     V I S I O N 


Our vision is

of a Community of believers

in Christ,

united with the whole Catholic Church,

alive, moving in joyful confidence

towards God our Heavenly Father,

under the guidance

and inspiration of the Holy Spirit,

where each one selflessly

and responsibly contributes

his share to the growth of humanity,

in becoming prayerful,

caring, mutually supportive,

self-reliant, witnessing,


and truly local and Namibian,

a community of loving service 

in solidarity with the poor.



    O N S    V I S I E    


Ons Visie is vir

‘n Gemeenskap van gelowiges in Christus,

verenig met die hele Katolieke Kerk,

lewendig, bewegend in blye vertoue

na God, ons Hemelse Vader,

onder die leiding en inspirasie van die Heilige Gees,

waar elkeen onselfsugtig en verantwoordelik

sy/haar deel bydra tot die groei van die mensdom,

om gebedsvol, besorg, mekaar ondersteunend,

self-versorgend, getuienis-lewerend, dinamies,

waarlik plaaslik en Namibies te word;

‘n Gemeenskap van liefdevolle diens

in samehorigheid met die armes.



Churches in the Diocese of Keetmanshoop
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